Despite the COVID-19 challenges, we at SOCH, never halted in carrying out our mission of creating awareness. Our department of Events and Outreaches successfully managed to enlighten the students of Beaconhouse School Jubilee Campus on Breast Cancer. The volunteers addressed its awareness, early detection, and other various aspects. We also conducted a webinar for students of Nixor College in the month of January to educate the students on public health. First aid with basic bandaging and BP measurement was taught. Emphasis on mental health and infection control was also made.

With the opening of the schools, it was imperative to teach the youth all about COVID-19. In light of this, the workshop for the students of Baithak School was conducted explaining the ways the virus acts and spreads and the precautionary measures one should take to curb its spread. Other topics like hand hygiene, teeth hygiene, diet selection and body safety rules were also addressed.