In March 2021, SOCH had the honor of forming a partnership with Koohi Goth Women’s Hospital. Under this partnership, we were able to partake in a 2-day Surgical Camp conducted by Koohi Goth Hospital on the 23rd and 24th of March, 2021. This surgical camp enabled our members to not only observe and learn valuable clinical skills but also allowed them to practice these skills hands-on. From history taking and examination to procedures like cholecystectomy and herniotomy, our members got the chance to experience and assist in numerous ways. 

Living up to its objectives of optimizing women’s health, Koohi Goth hospital serves as a ray of hope and a chance of cure for a number of women throughout the country who faced disappointment elsewhere. By listening to the stories of such women, our team was able to reignite its spirit of volunteerism and vowed to give its best to the society.