The dedicated CURE team is driven by the noble mission of breathing new life into the High Dependency Units of our hospital. Over the years, these units have fallen into a state of disrepair due to extensive usage and neglect. Among the units that have undergone remarkable transformations are Medical Unit 3, Surgical Unit 6, Medical Unit 2, and the most recent addition, Medical Unit 5. Each of these units has been meticulously rejuvenated, resulting in a remarkable revival of their functionality and aesthetics.

The efforts of the CURE team have not gone unnoticed. They have become a beacon of hope for both patients and medical practitioners. The tangible improvements in these units have earned them widespread support and heartfelt appreciation from both the hospital’s administration and generous donors. Their work serves as a testament to their unwavering commitment to enhancing the healthcare environment, ultimately benefiting the well-being of all those who walk through the hospital’s doors.

Medical Unit 2 HDU Renovation