Here at SVP, we extend our reach beyond the hospital and organize a 4-day volunteer program for the bright young minds of Matric/O-Levels and Intermediate/A-levels at Civil Hospital. Through this program, students get a glimpse into the field of medicine, and they learn about First Aid, prevalent infectious diseases, and other public health concerns. They learn about the working and struggles of a public sector hospital which lifts up their spirit of volunteerism. The enthusiastic students then raise a considerable amount of donations to support our cause.

With the cancelation of on-ground activities during the pandemic, we introduced an online event called Student Learning Project (SLP) and formulated a curriculum that would allow our volunteers to have an exceptional virtual learning experience. We met with great success owing to highly interactive workshops, ice-breakers, and a newly Introduced “History Taking Activity” which allows students to get a first-hand experience of clinical medicine.